JavaScript in one of my favorite industries.

6 min readJun 20, 2021


What is JavaScript(js)?

javaScript is a scripting language designed primarily for adding interactivity to Web pages and creating Web applications. Client-side JavaScript programs, or scripts, can be embedded directly in HTML source of Web pages. Depending on the Web developer’s intent, script code may run when the user opens the Web page, clicks or drags some page element with the mouse, types something on the keyboard, submits a form, or leaves the page.

JavaScript is an object-oriented language with prototypal inheritance. The language supports several built-in objects, and programmers can create or delete their own objects.

Why js? What js Used For?

It is chosen by well-known brands and a wide number of enterprises that want to utilize it for better scalability and performance.

Javascript is mainly used for:

  1. Front-End Development: When used with HTML and CSS, Java Script creates the most dynamic and interactive pages. JavaScript allows webpages to respond to user activity and dynamically update themselves, and all without requiring a page reload to change its appearance. It gives the site additional functionality that isn’t otherwise achievable with HTML and CSS alone.
  2. Back-End Development: Node js has contributed both to backend and increasing the performance of the frontend. Node is a popular choice for building backends largely due to the fact that it shares the same base language, JavaScript, as many front-ends. This allows developers and teams to contribute, share and reuse code across the stack and manage full-stack projects with a single package manager
  3. Building Web Apps: Angular, React Native can be used to build hybrid apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. JavaScript is extensively used by web developers to create various web applications and to add interactive features to them. Most of the internet browsers support JavaScript, which allows dynamic content to get displayed beautifully on web pages.
  1. Mobile App Development: JavaScript comes with frameworks tailored to make progressive Web Apps. Neither Apple nor Android phones will run a native app written in JavaScript.They also let you maintain one code base for several different devices. Maint languages ​used to develop all mobile apps are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  2. Machine Learning: Tensor Flow.js and MI.js are popular machine learning Javascript are the dynamics of ML engineering. And it’s become common practice for developers to write machine learning functions using common web-scripting languages. These days, it’s possible to build and train an algorithm using any general-purpose programming and that includes Javascript.
  3. Deep Learning: Libraries- brain.js, ConvNetJS, deeplearn.JS are there to train neural networks in the browser. JavaScript, one of the core programming languages and it has been used by the researchers to implement and develop deep learning techniques.

It is created for making the browsers alive. Initially, used for DOM and BOM manipulation and animation etc, for anything you can develop on browsers. And at moment, with Java script framework such as Node.js you can develop full fledged web and mobile apps, and services with Javascript.


food and drink




Banking And Finance

health and fitness

travel and tourism


Importance of JavaScript in Web Designing

There are different web designing and practical uses of JavaScript:

1. Improvement in Web Interface

In these days, what we are doing with JavaScript is we enhance the old, tired and true web interface — clicking links, entering information and sending off, etc — to be more responsive to the end-user.

For example — A sign-up form can check if your name is available when you enter it, preventing you from having to endure a frustrating reload of the page.

2. Word Suggestion in Search Box

A search box can give you suggested results when you type, based on what has been entered so far.

For example — “bi”, could bring up suggestions to choose from that contain the string such as “bird”, “big”, and “bicycle”. This usage pattern is called Autocomplete.

3. Instant Update of Information

Information that changes constantly can load periodically without the need for user interactions.

For example — Sports match results or stock market tickers.

4. Loading Information Only When User Choose

Information that is nice to have and runs the risk of being redundant to some users can be loaded when and if the user chooses to access it.

For example — The navigation menu of a site can contain 6 links but display links to deeper pages on demand when the user activates a menu item.

Don’t forget to check JavaScript Syntax

5. Fixing Layout Issues

It can find the position and area of the element on the particular page and the dimensions of the browser window. By implementing this information you can stop overlapping elements and other similar issues.

For example — You may have a menu with several levels by clicking and checking if there is space for the submenu to appear before showing it, you can prevent scroll bars or overlapping menu items.

6. Enhancing HTML Interface

JavaScript can enhance the interfaces that HTML gives us. While it’s nice to have a text input box, you might want to have a combo box allowing you to choose from a list to preset values or enter your own. You can enhance a normal input box to do that, using JavaScript.

7. Animation of Page Elements

JavaScript helps to animate elements on a page to show and hide information or highlight specific sections of a page and make it more usable and richer user experience.

Here is my study about Microsoft

First off, Microsoft needs to work closely with JavaScript to built its Edge web browser. All browsers need to process and execute JavaScript efficiently, so Microsoft has developed and maintains its own JavaScript engine for Edge. Actually, there has been talk of them creating an alternate version of NodeJS with the Edge engine.

Recently, Microsoft has really embraced NodeJS. They thoroughly support Node on the Azure cloud platform. Its one of Azure’s major features, and they’ve integrated Visual Studio support for Node.

Microsoft has also developed a version of Node for Internet Of Things(IoT) applications. NodeJS is great of IoT because it’s light weight and efficient.

Demand for js developer is soaring,”Microsoft buys JavaScript developer platform npm; plans to integrate it with GitHub”

Microsoft intends to integrate GitHub and npm so that developers will be able to trace a change from a GitHub pull request to an npm package version that fixes it, Friedman said.

Microsoft also plans to continue to support paid npm features for Pro, Teams and Enterprise customers for hosting private registries. Microsoft also plans to enable npm’s paying customers to move their private npm packages to GitHub Packages, “allowing npm to exclusively focus on being a great public registry for JavaScript,” Friedman said.

“Today’s news that GitHub will be acquiring npm is a positive and logical step to ensure the stability and security of the open-source npm registry for JavaScript developers. We know and trust the GitHub leaders who have the experience to build upon the important contributions by many, which made npm the leading open-source package management resource it is today,” said Robin Ginn, executive director, OpenJS Foundation.

Thank you:)

